Call for Art


Jewish Artists' Lab of Milwaukee

images-1 by Bev Richey

On Sunday March 5, 2017…. The Milwaukee Artists Lab, showed up, reunited, explored the new wing of the Art Institute together, toured Spertus and ate….twice.

Bonnie Bruch, Peter Goldberg, Bev Richey, Jody Hirsh, Clare Richey-Kaplan, Dorit Jordon Dotan and Suzanne Horwitz joined us for an active jaunt through the new wing of the Chicago Art Institute. Marc Tasman and Debbie Lurie joined us later in the day. 

20170305_112435 First stop: Engaging with Chagall, Dorit, Jody, Suzanne and Clare Photo Credit: Bev Richey

The Chicago artists were delightful to socialize and engage with. Jody’s well planned (see the article below) interactive  experiential activities kept us focused. This was especially fun for Dorit and Suzanne as their lab is predominantly a guest-lecture based format and for us because it meant new artists to interact with.

20170305_133242 Bonnie, Marc, Dorit, Suzanne, and Jody, preparing to order lunch at Artists Cafe (missing from this photo: Clare…

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